EEPROM Settings

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For in-depth documentation on all of the settings in grbl and what they mean, visit:

You can make changes to your machine’s settings by changing the values in your EEPROM. These are settings that will persist even after you power off your machine and control things like the maximum speed, the acceleration, steps per mm, and more.

Start by sending the command “$$” to your machine. The console will give you a list of values.

Default Settings

These only apply to those using the original LongBoard, if you have the MK2.5 or have upgraded to the SuperLongBoard, see the settings table for that here.

Value (number)
Title $ 12×12 12×30 30×30 48×30 Units
Step pulse time $0 10 microseconds
Step idle delay $1 100 milliseconds
Step pulse invert $2 X: ON
Step direction invert $3 X: ON
Invert step enable pin $4 Enabled (1)
Invert limit pins $5 Disabled (0)
Invert probe pin $6 Disabled (0)
Status report options $10 MPos
Buffer: OFF
Junction deviation $11 0.010 mm
Arc tolerance $12 0.002 mm
Report in inches $13 Disabled (0)
Soft limits enable $20 Disabled (0)
Hard limits enable $21 Disabled (0)
Homing cycle enable $22 Disabled (0)
Homing direction invert $23 X: ON
Homing locate feed rate $24 25 mm/min
Homing search seek rate $25 1500 mm/min
Homing switch debounce delay $26 250 milliseconds
Homing switch pull-off distance $27 1 mm
Maximum spindle speed $30 30000 RPM
Minimum spindle speed $31 0 RPM
Laser-mode enable $32 Disabled (0)
X-axis travel resolution $100 200 step/mm
Y-axis travel resolution $101 200 step/mm
Z-axis travel resolution $102 200 step/mm
X-axis maximum rate $110 4000 mm/min
Y-axis maximum rate $111 4000 mm/min
Z-axis maximum rate $112 3000 mm/min
X-axis acceleration $120 750 mm/sec^2
Y-axis acceleration $121 750 mm/sec^2
Z-axis acceleration $122 500 mm/sec^2
X-axis maximum travel $130 285 770 770 1230 mm
Y-axis maximum travel $131 320 320 820 820 mm
Z-axis maximum travel $132 110 mm

To change a setting, simply send the command that corresponds to what setting you want to change. For example, if you want to set the maximum feed rate in the Z-axis to 1500mm/min, then send the command “$112=1500”.

If you’re using UGS, you can also directly import the LongMills firmware settings using this downloadable file: LongMill Firmware UGS Config

For advanced users, modders, or users that want to add additional functionality such as with end stops and lasers, feel free to make changes to these settings to suit your needs.

