Alarm 15 during Y-axis or XYZ homing
There are two reasons why this is occurring.
1. Improper wiring. Make sure that the Y-axis motor and sensor cables are connected properly as pairs. The Y1 sensor cable must be attached to the white connector above the black Y1 motor connector. The same applies for Y2. These cables cannot be switched around or else the alarm will appear.
Motor and sensor connectors on SLB-EXT controller
2. Machine is out of square. This alarm is built into the firmware’s dual homing feature to prevent the left and right Y-axis motors from skewing the machine and causing serious damage. The tolerance programmed into the firmware is 15mm, so the alarm will occur if this is exceeded. To fix this, jog the machine to the rear bump stops of the machine, so that the right and left Y-axes are at the same Y position. Then check that the sensors on the left and right Y-axis are sticking out the same amount from their respective end plates. Now you can try to home again.
Error 1
This hard limit error is enabled by default. Turn off the machine then rotate the ball screw or push the gantry, to move the gantry away from the limit switch. Then turn on the machine and turn OFF hard limits ($21) on the ‘Firmware’ tool if desired.
‘Machine travel exceeded’ when trying to start a job
This soft limit error occurs when you are trying to run a project that exceeds the machine’s bounds.
1. First, you can try changing the position of your project’s origin/zero on your CAM software, then save the new g-code file.
2. Next, run the homing sequence on your machine using gSender, so that the machine knows what its limits are.
Home button on gSender
3. Then, set your zero so that the entire project fits on your machine work area. Load up the g-code file and start the job.
4. If the above does not work, you can go into the ‘Firmware’ tool on gSender and disable soft limits ($20) or slightly increase the maximum travel distance ($130 and $131).
Machine homes in the wrong direction
First check that the machine moves in the expected direction, by using the ‘jog’ arrow keys on gSender. Then check the $23 setting on the gSender ‘Firmware’ tool to see that it matches the photo below. If your settings match, then you may have mounted the sensors in the wrong position on the X and Y-axis. Instead of physically re-adjusting the sensors, you can test the different $23 toggle settings until you find one that works for your set up.
$23 Firmware Setting on gSender
Machine is hitting the bumpers even though the sensors are set up
Check that the $22 homing cycle settings in the ‘Firmware’ tool are correct. If so, and you are still having issues, reposition the sensors to be further out from the end plates.
Correct default limit switch settings for homing