If you’re looking for some more inspiration, or would like to use pre-made designs for your project, there are plenty of places online which offer artwork, drawings, and 3D models that are either free or can be purchased. These files can be directly imported into your CAM software.
Below is a list of online sources we have compiled, organized by 2D and 3D files. Please note that we’ve done our best to filter out reliable sources, but downloading any files online can pose a risk so be sure to only get files from places that you trust.
2D Art / Drawings
CNC-specific sources:
- Sienci Labs Projects Repository (our Google Drive storing projects we featured on YouTube)
- Obrary
- Maslow Community Garden
- FreePatternsArea (templates)
- FreePatternsArea (projects)
- Ameede (need to wait 45 seconds for download)
- FreeDXF (signup reqired, free & paid content)
- 3axis.co (need to wait 5 seconds for download)
- CNC Cookbook (free dxf files)
- CNC File Sharing (signup reqired)
- ToolsToday Pattern Directory (links to free and paid content)
- Scan2CAD (free collection every month, signup required)
- ZenziWerken (2D and 3D files, all free, made by one guy: Daniel)
- CutRocket (good project details, files only for Carbide Create, signup required)
- Inventables Projects (can only open projects in Easel, signup required)
- ShaperHub (can only open files in Shaper Website, signup required)
- Ready To Cut (projects from the community, signup required)
- AKER (source files) (garden products, need to “pay” $0 for files)
- wikiblock (most content is paid)
- modifile (parametric furniture, signup required, all content is paid)
- DesignShop (paid membership required, most models paid in addition)
- Ariba Box (signup required, free & paid content)
- Etsy (CNC patterns) (signup required, all paid content)
- CNC Router Design (signup required, all paid content)
- Buildbotics Projects (old, almost empty, broken images)
- cnc4free.org (non-commercial use)
- AtFAB (furniture, signup required)
- https://www.opendesk.cc/designs (furniture)
General sources:
- My DXF
- Love SVG
- PNG Repo
- SVG Repo
- PlotterFiles
- flaticon (icons & icon packs, signup required, free & paid)
- Pixabay (must check captcha for download unless logged in)
- VHV.RS (non-commercial use)
- Clipart Library (non-commercial use)
- Some of the 2D file making programs also come with a small subset of free 2D files
3D Models
CNC-specific sources:
- Sienci Labs Projects Repository (our Google Drive storing projects we featured on YouTube)
- Sienci Labs’ Thingiverse collection (our curated list)
- Cults 3D (reliefs)
- Thingiverse (CNC projects)
- Design & Make (good models, signup required, most content is paid)
- VectorClip3D (signup required, most content is paid)
- 3D Wave (signup required, all content is paid)
General sources:
- Thingiverse (nice community, good selection)
- MyMiniFactory (nice community, most models free)
- Free3D (cool models, some content is paid)
- YouMagine
- Clara.io (medium-sized database, signup required)
- 3DContentCentral (large database, signup required)
- GrabCAD (large database, signup required)
- Cults3D (signup required, lots of paid content)
- pinshape (nice community, signup required, some content is paid)
- Thangs
- PARTcloud (assorted models)
- Open3DModel
- Libre3D
- Repables
- TouchTerrain (topography generator, limited abilities)
- Terrain2STL (topography generator, limited abilities)
- The Terrainator (topography generator, signup required, paid)
- NASA (3D resources) (NASA models)
- embodi3D (medical models, signup required, some content is paid)
- AfricanFossils.org (models of African fossils, signup required)
- zortrax (small collection, signup required)
- 3D CAD Browser (signup required, odd system of requiring uploads to download, free & paid models)
- yeggi (search engine for 3D printable models)