

Spindle is not operational after stalling

In the event the spindle stalls due to an overly aggressive toolpath, or gcode/programming error, the VFD will enter a fault state to protect from damaging any electronics. To re-enable the spindle system, simply press the small red ‘STOP’ button on the front panel of the VFD unit and the system will be instantly re-enabled and ready to go.

Alarm 14 during startup

This alarm may trigger if the SLB-EXT is unable to communicate with the VFD, or if the spindle has not spun up to its target speed within 11 seconds. Ultimately it all comes down to the setup of your spindle wiring, VFD PD values and/or the SLB-EXT firmware values. Before you try the steps below, please double check the spindle setup instructions. Then confirm the following: 

1. Turn OFF the SLB-EXT controller using the power switch. Make sure the VFD is plugged into power and is ON. Then the controller back ON. 

2. On gSender, set the correct default spindle for your setup in the Firmware Tool and press ‘Apply New Settings.’ Then power cycle the controller. 

Selecting the default spindle as H-100 for the Sienci Labs Spindle

After power cycling, on gSender at the bottom right corner under ‘Spindle/Laser’, check that the spindle is set to H-100.

3. Ensure that the RS485 cable is wired correctly at the VFD side, and plugged into the telephone jack on the SLB-EXT. The red wire goes to RS485-, and black goes to RS485+. If you need to modify this, make sure to unplug the VFD from power first.

Notice the position of red and black wires in the VFD

RS485 cable in the SLB-EXT controller

4. On the gSender Firmware Tool, you can try increasing the $340 ‘Spindle at speed tolerance’ to 100 and the $392 ‘Spindle on delay’ firmware setting to 12. These should increase the allowable time for the spindle to spin up before triggering an error. 

$340 firmware setting

$392 firmware setting

5. If the above does not solve the issue, a workaround would be to use MODVFD as the default spindle. This should work for spindles that communicate using RS485, such as the Sienci Labs Spindle (H-100), Huanyang, Durapulse, and Yalang.

On the Firmware Tool, change the default spindle setting from H-100 (or whichever spindle you are using) to MODVFD. In your firmware, this is likely stored on either $395 or $511. Press ‘Apply New Settings.’  

$395 changed to MODVFD

Then power cycle the controller. 

Turn controller ON and OFF to have firmware changes take effect

Go back onto the Firmware Tool, and modify the following settings. These will vary depending on the spindle you own, so you may need to contact the manufacturer for these values.  The values for the Sienci Labs Spindle are provided in the chart and screenshots below. 




Run/Stop (operation) $462  512
Set Frequency $463 513
Get Frequency $464 544
Run CW Command $465 2
Run CCW Command $466 4
Stop Command $467 8
RPM input Multiplier $468 10
RPM input Divider $469 60
RPM output Multiplier $470 60
RPM output Divider $471 100


Settings for the Sienci Labs Spindle using MODVFD as default spindle 

Press ‘Apply New Settings.’ Power cycle the controller again, then reconnect back to gSender. Now you can try using the controls to spin up the spindle.    

Spindle only spins up to 7500 RPM (readout on VFD will show 125hz)

This is caused by a bug when first enabling RS485 control. Power cycle the SLB-EXT using the slide switch, then unplug and replug the VFD power cord.