

Ready to set up your LaserBeam? The following information will help you get your laser up and running successfully on your CNC machine, whether that be the LongMill or the AltMill. The expected assembly time is around 1-2 hours, so make sure you give yourself enough time to read through the steps and not rush the process.

Before you start assembling, we would recommend completing the following:

Grab your Tools

The LaserBeam only requires a few tools, which are probably in your tool chest already.

  • M5 Allen key or a drill with an M5 Allen key driver bit
  • Small flat head screwdriver
  • Zip ties

M5 Allen key and flat head screwdriver 

Download Software

In order to completely set up your laser, please have gSender and LightBurn installed.

gSender will allow you to control the laser for initial testing and firmware settings, instructions for downloading the software can be found here.

LightBurn will allow you to design and generate g-code for your projects; in the later steps we will indicate which settings must be changed to ensure a successful laser job. There is a 30-day trial you can download, so you do not need to immediately purchase it.

Load Up the Videos

If you prefer videos over text instructions, go ahead and watch Scott’s video series on how to assemble and set up your LaserBeam, as well as run your first job!