LightBurn Settings


On LightBurn, press the wrench icon on the top toolbar. A dialog box should appear with the title “Device settings for GRBL.”

Wrench icon on LightBurn

Make sure that:

  • “S-value max” is set to 255 – Setting your S value max correctly will ensure you have access to 100% of your laser’s power. This value should always match your maximum spindle speed in gSender (more details in gSender Settings)

LightBurn S-value max setting

  • “Origin” is set as the bottom left corner – If you change this, it will flip your work surface when exporting your g-code so it is best to stick with this setting

Setting origin of projects on LightBurn

  • Under “Z Axis Control,” toggle “Enable Z axis” to ON – This will allow the machine to move down during laser cutting operations.

Enable Z axis on LightBurn

  • Press “OK” to save your settings